Monday, May 20, 2019

Album Cover

1. I chose these songs because they represent that friends are very important and they're very uplifting songs that me and my friends enjoy listening too.
2. My title represents my songs because " Welcome to Cars Land " is to give off the idea that they're is so many opportunities to travel, road trips, and adventure. 
3. I think my color scheme is bright and blue because it has a lot of clouds and I think the aesthetic is important.
4. I used brush tool and pen tool.
5. The most useful tool was brush tool even though it was a lot of free handing it.
6. I like that they kind of went together with the big idea of traveling as a whole. 
7. I would change the title .

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Surreal Image

TED talk

1. The most important aspect is to plan out work and use his imagination .

2. The thing I find most interesting about his work is that it looks nearly impossible but so realistic.

3. I would want to create the road scene because it seems the most interesting.
